Making Waves with Dexter Marine Group on LinkedIn

Melvin, Steff worked on this project.

At Social Sparrow, we love diving into cool industries, and the marine world is no exception. Working with Dexter Marine Group has been an absolute blast! Their content is a dream – who doesn’t love seeing massive ships and marine operations in action? We’ve been all in on crafting a LinkedIn strategy that shows off their industry leadership and technical prowess.

Vincent Weve - Managing Owner at Dexter Marine Group
Working with Social Sparrow has been a game-changer for us. They’ve brought a fresh, human touch to our LinkedIn presence, making our interactions more genuine and our connections stronger

For this project we provided the following services

Our Mission

Our goal with Dexter Marine was clear: establish them as thought leaders in the marine industry on LinkedIn. We targeted key industry professionals, investors, and potential clients to boost brand visibility and make some waves.

Navigating Challenges

The challenge? Engaging a niche audience on LinkedIn and keeping the content fresh and exciting. We aimed to turn Dexter’s vast industry expertise into compelling, engaging, and relevant digital content that stands out. We also had to continually think of creative content themes to show all of Dexter's services and expertise

Making an Impact

We’ve had some amazing wins managing Dexter’s LinkedIn account. We recently chatted with a LinkedIn ad campaign expert about a campaign for Dexter. They were blown away by the unique content we’re creating – even if you’re not into marine operations, those massive ship photos are hard to ignore!

We’ve seen a huge increase in engagement and impressions, with over 90K organic and 200K+ sponsored in the past year. And we’ve grown their followers by 10K! This kind of engagement doesn’t just look good; it drives real results and lead generation.

Project gallery


Working with Dexter Marine Group has been a fantastic ride. Their content is super cool, and seeing the impact of our work is incredibly rewarding. We’re thrilled to have such an awesome client and can’t wait to see where we sail next!

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